Shipping policy

How long does it take to receive my product?

Currently, our production time is about 1-3 days. Shipping time depends on your location and the shipping method you choose. Please note that during the holidays our production times may vary.

Australia + Europe:
Standard shipping
Product production time takes about 1-3 days, shipping time is about 5-7 working days
expedited shipping
Product production time takes about 1-3 days, shipping time is about 3-5 working days

United States + Canada:
Standard shipping
Product production time takes about 1-3 days, shipping time is about 7-10 working days
expedited shipping
Product production time takes about 1-3 days, shipping time is about 5-8 working days

Can I change the destination country of my order?

You may not change your shipping address after your order has been dispatched.

How much is shipping?

We offer free shipping on orders over $48.88.

You can choose your shipping method at checkout:
Standard shipping
Shipping is $9.99 for orders $20 or less
Shipping fee is $7.99 for orders priced at $20 or more and $48.88 or less
expedited shipping
$14.99 per order

Everything you need to know about Import One Stop Shop (IOSS)

Effective July 1, 2021, the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) is an electronic portal that businesses can use to comply with their VAT e-commerce obligations on distance sales of imported goods.
Under the VAT rules that applied before 1 July 2021, goods worth up to €22 were not subject to import VAT.
The new VAT e-commerce rules do away with this provision from 1 July 2021. Therefore, from 1 July 2021, all commercial goods imported into the EU from third countries or third areas, regardless of their value, will be subject to VAT.
As of July 1, 2021, the value-added tax (VAT) exemption for imported goods up to €22 has been removed. Therefore, all goods imported into the EU are subject to VAT.
The Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) is designed to facilitate and simplify the filing and payment of VAT on goods sold over long distances by sellers from EU or non-EU countries. Additionally, VAT payments only apply to items purchased by buyers within the EU and for items worth less than €150. EU buyers on purchases over €150 are subject to import VAT and customs duties.
Taxes, if charged, shall be borne by the customer.

Where is my order?

We will only receive your shipping confirmation once your item has shipped. Please fill in your account email and order number to monitor order status. After we ship the package, you can get a tracking number and you can check the tracking information on this website: CLICK HERE

Do you offer international shipping?
Currently shipping only to addresses in the United States, Canada, and 35+ other countries. If you are unsure whether we can ship to your country, please send an inquiry to our customer service team

contact us

Shipping Tips:
1) For smooth delivery, we recommend that you leave your correct email and mobile phone number during checkout.

2) No compensation will be given for unsuccessful delivery due to the blank mobile phone column.

3) If you choose express delivery, PO Box or BFPO is not accepted. Your address should be detailed enough, even including the apartment or unit number. Personalgiftspro will not be responsible for failure to deliver or additional shipping costs due to personal reasons.

4) Detailed tracking of your order can only be done when it arrives at the factory in your country. Once the package arrives in your country, it will take another 5-7 days to reach you.

If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department via email: We will reply to you within 24 hours on working days and 48 hours on non-working days.